Stress Among Sports Team Captains at University Level in Tamil Nadu


  •   T. Frank Sunil Justus Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University
  •   George Abraham Principal, YMCA College of Physical Education, Chennai - 600 035



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The captain of any sports team has to take a lot of responsibility and has to necessarily multitask as a strategist, player, and finally in case of a defeat has to take all the blame. A team with a weak leadership can never unify together to focus on a common goal. The captain has to make compromises and sacrifices in his role as a player to accommodate all team players and to place the needs of the team ahead of his own priorities. The role of a captain is to be motivator which in turn indicates that the captain can never have a bad day and always need to be motivated. To date there has been minimum studies inspecting captaincy stress, and none evaluating the influence of regularly team performances. Team captains play an essential leadership role within team situations. Mosher (1979) stated that team captains are a proper, elected leader of the playing group and need to share a vital relationship between the coacher and the team players. Cotterill and Cheetham, (2017) found that most of the team captains were elected based on performance and suitability for the squad and their responsibility was highly essential for team performance and success in any sport.




How to Cite

Justus, T. F. S., & Abraham, G. (2022). Stress Among Sports Team Captains at University Level in Tamil Nadu. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 13(1), 36–46.


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