Impact of Ethics on Human Resource and the Process of Managerial Decision Making


  •   Ambika Venkatesh MBA Department, Administrative Management College, Bangalore
  •   Dippi Verma MBA Department, Administrative Management College, Bangalore



Ethics, Male, Female, Decision Making.


The current paper offers a theoretical framework of ethical behavior and a comparative analysis of ethical perceptions of male managers and female managers of small and medium size firm. The primary research provides basic data on the standards of ethics in men and women and the factors that are making the manager or decision maker to fall from the set ethical standards. Business owners often face difficult ethical dilemmas, such as whether to cut corners on quality to meet a deadline or whether to lay off workers to enhance profits. A current ethical debate concerns the gender issue. That is the involvement of the powers resting with a male or a female would be a better criteria in an organizational setup. The intense pressures of business may not always allow the luxury of much time for reflection, and the high stakes may tempt to compromise our ideals. How should we respond? No doubt, we already have a well-developed ethical outlook. Nevertheless, by considering various approaches to ethical decision making, we may be better able to make the right choice when the need arises.

The subject of business ethics is definitely complex. Fair-minded people sometimes have significant differences of opinion regarding what constitutes ethical behavior and how ethical decisions should be made. This article discusses approaches in business that can be used to consider ethical questions. The method we prefer may not suit everyone. Hopefully, by considering the alternatives, we will be able to make decisions that are right for us. Above all the major concern of considering ethics which is strong in male or female is the major baseline of the study and a sincere attempt to understand the reasons for the same is made.




How to Cite

Venkatesh, A., & Verma, D. (2011). Impact of Ethics on Human Resource and the Process of Managerial Decision Making. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 4(1), 51–62.


