The Role of Hospital Public Relations Strategies on Patient’s Buying Behaviour: The Mediating Role of Community Awareness


  •   Shailesh Goyal Research Scholar Center for Research & Development Rai University
  •   Ashish Rami Dean-Faculty of Commerce & Management Swaminarayan University, Kalol Gujarat
  •   Maulik Pathak Assistant Professor Rai School of Management Studies, Rai University, Ahmedabad



Public relations, Community health awareness, Patient’s preference, Goodwill of the hospital, Public connect activities


Purpose: The present study aims to comprehend the various public relations activities in corporate hospitals in India. Also, the study explores the effect of public relations University.on the goodwill of the hospital, community awareness about the hospital and patient’s preference for the hospitals.

Design/Methodology: A quantitative research design was conducted where a self-administered questionnaire was used to accomplish an extensive survey. A positivistic research philosophy and deductive research approach have been taken and the study's objectives were assessed based on the stated hypotheses. A stratified sampling method is used to gather data from patients who attended corporate hospitals in Ahmedabad, Gujrat in India (n=385). SEM-PLS analysis was performed to examine the hypothesised relationships among the studied factors.

Findings: The present analysis showed that public relations activities significantly influenced the goodwill of the hospitals which further affected the patient’s preference for hospitals. In addition, it showed that community awareness of the hospitals significantly mediates the relationship between public relations activities and goodwill of the hospitals.

Research Implication: The study is useful for healthcare professionals, and top management of hospitals to fix their agendas for public relations activities. The study showed that public relations activities are not restricted to the health care marketing only but public connect activities, personal relationships, government relationships and community relationships are important components to focus on.




How to Cite

Goyal, S., Rami, A., & Pathak, M. (2024). The Role of Hospital Public Relations Strategies on Patient’s Buying Behaviour: The Mediating Role of Community Awareness. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 16(1), 11–27.





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