Health Insurance and its Need in India - An Empirical Analysis


  •   P. Srinavas Rao University of Mysore
  •   Fakru Khan Y. University of Mysore



Health Insurance


The dire need for health insurance and its importance cannot ever be magnified. In a country like India, where health is not exactly at its peak, the need for health insurance is even greater. This paper runs through a brief background of the status of insurance itself in India, continues with the status of the need for health Insurance in India and then discovers from fifty two respondents their opinion on four statements as regards health insurance. The reliability analysis is followed by the Factor Analysis which selects two more prominent factors as compared with the other two. The findings simply mirror the opinion of the respondents.




How to Cite

Rao, P. S., & Y., F. K. (2018). Health Insurance and its Need in India - An Empirical Analysis. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 11(1), 37–42.





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